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WebhookBeam - Track webhooks

4.8 ( 6448 ratings )
Forfatter: Elsayed Hussein

WebhookBeam is a great solution for tracking your Webhooks. If you are using apps like PayPal, Shopify, Stripe, Mailchimp, LemonSqueezy, RevenueCat, etc., and you have Webhooks for them, WebhookBeam will send you push notifications whenever your Webhooks are triggered.

How it works:
1. Register an account and get verified.
2. Create an app and name it, for example, LemonSqueezy.
3. Create a webhook for this app, named Subscription Payment.
a. Fill in the required data for the webhook, such as name, URL, request body, and the key you want to track.
4. Copy the full URL of the webhook and paste it on the LemonSqueezy website.
5. Thats it! For any event related to your webhooks, you will be notified by push notification to stay informed instantly.

If you have any questions or feedback, feel free to contact us at [email protected].

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